Isabel Reche Cañabate

Isabel Reche is Professor of Ecology at the University of Granada (UGR). She got her PhD in 1995 in this university working on microbial food webs in alpine lakes and received the 1995 PhD Excellence award for her dissertation.From 1995-1997, she was a postdoctoral associate at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES, now Cary IES) in New York (USA) working on bio- and photo-reactivity of dissolved organic matter in temperate lakes. Since her return in 1998, she has been linked to the UGR first as an assistant professor and since October 2003 with a tenured position as an associate professor and now as a full professor. More recently, she was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley (USA) during the academic year 2016/2017 supported with a grant Salvador de Madariaga and an UGR-sabbatical stay.

In 2017, she was nominated as Fellow of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.
Isabel has been working on the influence of Saharan dust on aquatic ecosystems and its role as a vector of microbial dispersal. In addition, she has contributed in several oceanographic cruises to Antarctica and in the most emblematic worldwide oceanographic cruise in the last decades, the circumnavigation Malaspina 2010, to provide insights into the nature and function of dissolved organic matter and exopolymer particles in the global carbon cycle. She is an expert on spectroscopic properties of dissolved organic matter and on assembling /fragmentation dynamics of exopolymer particles and their fate in the ocean. More recently, her research is focused on the microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of wetlands and reservoirs, particularly on the climatic forcing by greenhouse gases emissions from these ecosystems and their links with extreme climatic events